
Donate to Green More Businesses

The California Green Business Network is a 501c3 non-profit that helps local businesses conserve energy, water, minimize waste, prevent pollution, and shrink their carbon footprints through a voluntary certification available statewide.

4,000+ certified California Green Businesses combined to achieve some impressive environmental outcomes in 2021:

      • Over 114 million pounds of greenhouse gas emissions reduced
      • 17 million pounds of waste diverted from the landfill
      • 284 million gallons of water saved 
      • $14 million dollars in utility bill savings
      • 54 million kWh of energy saved

Your donation will help us serve small businesses, in diverse communities, throughout the state.

Here are examples of what your gift could do:

      • $100 – Boost the recruitment of new businesses.
      • $250 – Provide a bilingual translation for another portion of our database expanding access.
      • $500 – Double the rebate funding to help a business in a disadvantaged community reduce its footprint through waste, water, and energy efficiency upgrades.
      • $1000 – Help our small and medium-sized business network thrive and reach new customers through a statewide marketing campaign.
      • $5000 – Fund a community-based organization in an under-served region to recruit businesses and give them the know-how to do this work on their own.

Thank you for your tax-deductible donation!